Saying good-bye to birdsite

Yes, I know, I know, it has been extremely quiet on this blog and there are various reasons for this.

But rest assured, the blog isn’t dead and I’m still alive, too. 🙂

My life has been turned upside down in the first six weeks of this year. I don’t want to go into details, since it’s rather personal, and I hope the rest of the year will be a bit calmer.

I’m still busy making music, although those of you who read this blog and also follow me on birdsite (aka Twitter) will have noticed that I locked my account and haven’t written anything for quite a while.

Readers, I’ve lost the love. Not for my music bubble or my followers and my online friends and lovely tweeps, but for the platform as such. There have been so many changes since the new owner took over and it’s just not my online home anymore. I used to be very active there, some would even say I was almost addicted, and the more than two years of my daily organ music videos have been great and I met wonderful people through this project and have grown and learned enormously.

But I can’t support the platform anymore. With the recent changes and what has been proposed, it might even happen that I won’t find the tweets of „my“ bubbles and I don’t want this.

There are other ways of micro-blogging (the fediverse offers great opportunities with various services) and also there’s still this blog. Yes, I know, I know, there’s no reason for you to visit the blog if I don’t write anything. I won’t promise to be more talkative here, but I will at least try.

I will post the link to this blogpost on the birdsite and I might also still keep my account there for a while, but I won’t return to regular postings, and, I’m sorry to say, I won’t continue the daily organ music project there. I might start something again on another platform, but for the time being, I need to concentrate on the changes in my life and get things done „offline“.

Thanks for reading and for those of you whom I „met“ on the birdsite: thanks for being there and for engaging with me and listening to my ramblings and for your encouragement and interest.

I miss you, but it’s time to move on.

Update 4th September 2023: I have kept my twitter account, but have stopped using it. However, the platform’s development went from bad to even worse and that’s why the account is now being deleted. You can find me here on my blog and also in the fediverse. Should someone appear on twitter with the @’andijah‘ handle, it won’t be me.

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