Autumn news

Five weeks ago I deactivated all my twitter accounts and didn’t feel as terrible as I had expected. Of course, almost 14 years for the oldest account mean that there are lots of (mainly happy) memories and yes, there are people whom I dearly miss. If you read this and feel you’re part of this group, don’t hesitate to say hello in the comments or reach out by e-mail 🙂

September was pretty busy with three organ recitals and October will be busy with normal organist duties and not a single Sunday off, but that’s okay and I’m happy to play in other churches when they need help. Sometimes I feel that organists need to be able to be at more than one place at once. 😉

What’s quite exciting: I’ve turned on a new feature for this blog and you can now follow it from any server/account in the fediverse! So whether you’re using Mastodon or Pixelfed or Akkoma or Firefish or Friendica, just to name a few, you can read blog posts directly from your feed.

I don’t have any „proper“ plans for this blog, other than that I want to keep it and continue writing articles from time to time. I might even go back to my old „this was my week“ postings, or, since it might take some time for me to get back into blogging, start with „this was my month“.

Stay tuned, and thanks for reading!

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