Online resources for organists

Today I would like to share some online resources that I find really helpful for (church) organists.

There’s a good reason why I write this post in English – so far, I’ve found the most helpful and open forums and blogs in the English-speaking organ world. I tried to register in a German organ forum only to be told I had to wait for the admin to approve my request, and the wait goes on and on and on… at the same time, I’ve had a very friendly and open welcome to the Organ Forum ( It’s a large community where you can talk about all kinds of organs and organ music: church, classical, theatre, Hammond… I can spend hours just browsing through the discussions.

I’ve found this forum in the link list of Mowenna’s wonderful organist’s blog: I’ve been following her blog for a while already and it’s about time to recommend it 🙂

Then there’s a blog I’ve only discovered a few days ago, by Dr Vidas Pinkevicius. What should I say, his blog is one of the most concise and informative resources for organists I’ve found so far.

I’m sure there’s a lot more inspiring blogs and forums out there – if you would like to share your favourites, please feel free to contact me or write a comment. I’m looking forward to hearing from you!

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