Tag Archives: Jazz

My summer music

It’s roundabout 30 degrees outside, the sun’s shining and the neighbour’s kids enjoy the last days of vacation. I’m not a summer person, but I’m happy for all the others who are.
Still, in summer, there are festivals, and there’s always time for music.
August has been a rather musical month so far. I’ve played four Sunday services (organ), the choir rehearsals started again after a short break and I had the pleasure/challenge to be our only soprano in two rehearsals – so it was kinda being a soloist getting a full choir to accompany you 😉 This week Saturday, we’ll meet with all the choirs our MD is conducting and there will be an evening full of singing and probably lots of laughter.

At the beginning of August, we went to the Rheingau Musik Festival and listened to Randi Tytingvåg, Dag Sindre Vagle and Erlend Aasland. The concert was in a wine-grower’s yard – a laaaarge yard, and it was sold out, as far as I could see. Standing ovations at the end of the evening, and well deserved.

One week later we were in Nieder-Moos. In case you haven’t heard of this place yet, each summer the local church hosts a music festival and the trip is well worth it. We met with two friends and had the enormous pleasure of seeing and hearing the Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain. Now, these guys and gals are just amazing and if they’re playing at a place near you, don’t miss them! Not everyone in the audience seemed to speak enough English to get all the jokes, but you don’t need language to enjoy good music, and it was standing ovations again.

Those who read my blog regularly or follow me on twitter know that I like a variety of styles and listen to more than one kind of music. So I was very happy to see that two of my favourite Icelandic musicians had new albums coming.
One is „Ypsilon“ by guitarist Andrés Thor and his trio: https://andresthor.bandcamp.com/
and the other is „constant movement“ by bassist Toggi Jonsson and his quintet: https://toggijonsson.bandcamp.com/releases
You can listen to the tracks online, but I’m all for supporting fellow musicians, so of course I will recommend that you go and buy the albums. 🙂

Last but not least, I’ve finally set a date for my organ concert next year. It will take place on the 2nd of September 2017, however, it’s not clear yet which organ I will have available. I will let you know when I know more. In addition to the official public recital I will also play a smaller concert for a different audience: I was invited to play for the inmates of the local jail, so this will be a new and interesting experience.

Coming up is a concert with two choirs and me doing one or two organ solo pieces and maybe also singing a solo or duet, so watch this space and/or my twitter account for details.

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Filed under Music, Musik

Recommendation for lovers of handmade music

When it comes to music, I have a very broad range of styles that I like.
I listen to a lot of different types of music, and I like to keep an open mind and open ears. I’m not a specialist for certain styles, and I’m not one of those enthusiasts who would say more or less witty things like „Yes, this is just like I remember Sir Vincent Lancelot conducting the Royal Stately Wonderful Philharmonic at the Met“ or „Don’t you think Mork The Gork Ladidah and the Whatever Trio are overdoing it here when they end this song on Fmaj7?“

I like honest, authentic, handmade music.

My latest discovery is the Icelandic pianist Sunna Gunnlaugs (http://www.sunnagunnlaugs.com)

I ordered some of her CDs and am listening to this fantastic, first-class jazz over and over again. If you, dear reader, also like handmade music, make sure you treat your ears to Sunna and her music. Don’t expect any „easy listening“, but let yourself be taken away by pleasant, enjoyable sounds which don’t fail to surprise every now and then.

And if you have any recommendations for my hears, I’d love to hear from you.

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Filed under Music, Musik, Sammelsurium