Tag Archives: singing

November music

November was a busy month for the musician in me.
I played the organ for Sunday service, I had the pleasure to conduct our choir for another Sunday service because our MD had to be elsewhere, and last weekend there was „the“ concert: two choirs, a brass quintet, an organ solo, and additional solo and duet singing. Plus I accompanied another choir during their Sunday service yesterday.

Overall, everything went okay. Of course, there are things that could’ve gone better. I’m not happy at all with my solo performance at the organ, I managed to muddle through and save the piece by improvising wildly while having some kind of brain shutdown and technical problems with the instrument, and I suppose it wasn’t as bad as it felt, but while it happened, I just wanted to be somewhere else and never perform again. I haven’t listened to the recording yet and my inner perfectionist is still sulking.
The good thing was that the organ I had available yesterday was a very decent instrument and made up for everything else and I’m almost back to feeling confident about performing 🙂

The two duets I sang together with another soprano worked really, really well and were a lot of fun. We’ve been asked to sing together again at a concert in March next year, so I’m now looking for suitable pieces.

Also, I’ve learned a lot for future organ recitals – for example that my preparation should include a plan B for technical difficulties with the instrument and that my improvisation skills are good enough to survive even some kind of blackout in my head.

December won’t be as busy, a few Sunday services, a solo for the choir’s advent/pre-Christmas event, and hopefully some practice time before the year ends.

And did I already mention the 2nd of September 2017? This is when I will play my organ recital and it has now been officially announced in the „Luther year calendar“.

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Musikalisches im Februar – February Music

Dieses Jahr ist der Februar ja mal wieder einen Tag länger. Da muss ich doch glatt auch bloggen, denn einen 29.2. als Veröffentlichungsdatum hat man nicht so oft.
Musikalisch war der Monat sehr intensiv. Ich hatte einen Orgeldienst, einen Kantorendienst (ein Gottesdienst ohne Orgelmusik, das war vom Orgateam so gewünscht, dafür aber mit Gemeindegesang, von mir angeleitet), und vorgestern dann das große Ereignis, auf das zwei Chöre hingearbeitet hatten: die Aufführung der Petite Messe Solenelle von Rossini in der Dankeskirche in Bad Nauheim. Und weil das alles noch nicht genug war, habe ich gestern noch auf einer Matinee Akkordeon gespielt.

Es war anstrengend, neben dem Vollzeitjob der Musik gerecht zu werden, aber es hat sich gelohnt. Viele unserer Chorsänger haben sich für meine Stimmbildungssessions bedankt und einige wollen nun sogar Einzelstunden haben, und das Publikum der Matinee hat bei fast jedem Akkordeonstück mitgesummt oder gesungen, und am Ende kam noch eine Dame und bat mich, ein weiteres Stück zu spielen, zu dem wir dann ein spontanes Duett gesungen haben. Das hat unheimlich viel Spaß gemacht.

This year, February is one day longer, and I will use this additional day to write a new blog post. Getting to publish something on the 29th of February doesn’t happen that often.
Music wise, this month was very intense. I played the organ once, had another service where I lead the singing (the org team didn’t want to have the organ, don’t ask me why, but at least I got to conduct the congregation), and last Saturday we had the major event with two choirs: performing Rossini’s Petite Messe Solenelle in a large church in Bad Nauheim (north of Frankfurt). And because all this wasn’t enough, I played accordion at a matinée yesterday.

It was hard work to find enough room for the music while holding a full-time job, but it was well worth it. Many of our choir members thanked me for the voice training and warm-up sessions, and some even asked for solo sessions with me. The audience at the matinée hummed and sung to almost every melody I played, and at the end, a lady came and asked for an additional song, and we sang a spontanueous duet. This was so much fun!

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