When I wrote the blog post on organ music by female composers in December, I knew I would have to do an update one day. This day is today. It would have been perfect if I had managed to write this post on time for international womens day, but, hey, we can’t have everything, and perfectionism is often not helpful anyway. At least in my case 😉
So, the music. In my first blog post I mentioned several composers and publishers (if you haven’t read it yet, you can do so here: https://andijah.wordpress.com/2015/12/11/organ-music-by-female-composers/ ) and I would like to add some more today.
One publisher worth checking out is Vivace Press: http://www.vivacepress.com/
For example, they have done an album called „Organ Music by Women Composers before 1800“.
I don’t own this yet, but I own the „Women Composers‘ Album“, pieces selected and edited by Charles Callahan. It’s a lovely collection of not too difficult pieces for organ, both manuals only and with pedals. The publisher is Morning Star Music.
On imslp.org I came across the works of Carlotta Ferrari (born 1975). This is her website: http://carlottaferrari.altervista.org/
I had already mentioned that imslp lists more than 300 names in their section of women composers, but so far, I haven’t got round to checking who has done organ music.
Today I’ve made an alphabetical list (sorted by first name) of female composers who have written for organ. Maybe some day I shall find the time to sort this list by historical period or difficulty, but let’s start with the simple list. I haven’t mentioned the composers again whom I had mentioned in my other blog post, and any addition from my readers is most welcome!
Adaline Shepherd
Anne Sheppard Mounsey Bartholomew
Barbara Dennerlein
Barbara Harbach (also editor of „Toccatas And Fugues On Hymns By European Women“)
Beate Leibe
Brita Falch Leutert
Caroline Charrière
Christiane Michel-Ostertun
Christina Harmon
Emily Porter
Emma Lou Diemer
Heather Hammond
Johanna Senfter
Liselotte Kunkel
Maddalena Lombardini Sirmen
Marga Richter
Maria Scharwieß
Marianne Kim
Mary Jeanne van Appledorn
Mel Bonis
Odile Pierre
Rolande Falcinelli
Rosalie Bonighton
Ruth Norman
Sarah Watts
Sharon J. Willis
Ute Springer
A good source in Germany to buy music by these composers is bodensee-musikversand.de, but any music store should be able to order the sheet music for you.
Last Sunday, I played „Andante patetico“ by Kate Boundy as introduction to the service, and it has been well received.
Please get in touch if you have further suggestions and/or links.